DePuy Hip Replacement Device Claims

Our De Puy Hip Injury law firm is helping patients who were implanted with a DePuy hip replacement devices that have been recently recalled. We allege that the company knew about problems with its products for years before they were finally recalled.

DePuy Orthopaedics and Johnson & Johnson, recalled the ASR XL Acetabular System and ASR Hip Resurfacing Systems in 2010 because these products were than twice as likely to fail as similar hip replacement implants.

The FDA received over 400 reports of DePuy hip replacement devices problems. In England 13% of patients with the acetabular system and 12% patients with the resurfacing system required follow up surgery to fix these implants. Yet, according to DePuy only 5% of hip implants should need to be replaced within five years. The Australian National Joint Replacement Registry recalled DePuy hips in 2009.

Our De Puy Hip failure lawfirm recommends that If you have a DePuy Hip Implant device contact your physician for an immediate evaluation.