Deck chairs are a hot commodity on cruise ships, which is why many cruise passengers will do anything possible to secure their spots by the pool, even if this means putting their personal belongings on deck chairs during all hours of the day despite not having any intention of sitting on these chairs. These passengers are otherwise known as “deck chair hogs” and can be a nuisance to other passengers who want to be able to easily find poolside seating.

Some of the more common tactics utilized by these deck chair hogs is to get to the pool decks during the early morning hours before anyone else is awake, placing their towels, bags, or any other belongings on the deck chairs. This way it appears as if someone has merely stepped away for a moment and will be returning to the deck chair. The result is, unfortunately, that most of the deck chairs remain “reserved,” leaving none for the passengers who are actually enjoying the pool.

One of the best ways to fight these chair hogs is to beat them at their own game.  If they get up early to secure poolside seating, set your own alarm and get up early with them to reserve your own deck chair. Keep in mind, however, that by doing this, you are also becoming a chair hog, unless you intend to use the chair right away.

Some passengers choose to remove the belongings themselves. Tossing them in the pool is probably not a wise plan, but bringing these “abandoned” items to the nearest towel stand until the owner can reclaim them may be a safer and more secure option. Other passengers have found success in taking the items off the deck chair, leaving them on the deck and removing the chair instead.

You may find success in asking a crew member to intervene. If you have noticed seats being occupied by what appears to be a passenger’s belongings for a long period of time, a crew member may be able to locate the passenger owning these items and ask him or her to remove these items so that other passengers may enjoy the deck chairs.

If you wish to avoid a possible confrontation once the chair hog returns to the deck, it may be wise to find another deck with a smaller crowd. However, the possibility is always there that you may not have luck finding seating at this new location or may even be forced onto a pool deck with little to no sun exposure.   

Aronfeld Trial Lawyers is a personal injury firm located in Miami, Florida since 1991.  We have fought hard to hold cruise lines accountable when they put their profits ahead of passenger safety.  We are available 24/7 and encourage you to contact us even if you are still on your cruise. The sooner we can begin our investigation and preservation of key evidence, such as the CCTV footage of your trip and fall, slip and fall, assault, or other type of injury the more likely we will be able to understand and prove how the incident occurred. Remember, the cruise lines have the most aggressive and well-funded defense lawyers in the world- protecting their profits.  You need an experienced legal advocate in your corner who will fight to obtain the compensation you deserve for lost wages, medical expenses, transportation reimbursement and pain and suffering.  Call us today and speak with a cruise ship claims lawyer about your potential claim- toll free 1-866-597-4529, 305-441-0440, or by email. We are ready to help.

Source:  7 Ways to Outsmart Deck Chair Hogs (