More and more patients who have undergone hip replacement surgery with Stryker Rejuvneante are being forced to deal with heavy metal poisoning and its symptoms. Approximately 800 people in South Florida alone have received the implant. Our hip implant injury lawyers are currently investigating claims against Stryker for implant patients across the country.

Stryker is a multinational medical device manufacturing company based in Michigan. Stryker’s Rejuvante model is different than the typical metal on metal design because it provides surgeons with an option to modify the implant based upon a patient’s unique anatomic and biomechanic profile.

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Shortly after it came onto the market, the Rejuvenate implant was recalled because patients began reporting extremely high cobalt levels. When Styker’s implant components rub together it causes the metal to fray shooting cobalt and chromium particles into the soft tissue of the body. Symptoms of metal poisoning include fatigue, rashes, swelling, vision loss, tumor-like formation, and other health related issues. Removing the recalled implant is very complicated.

Our hip recall injury lawyers best advice is to contact your surgeon and request a copy of your medical records and implant identification information card immediately. Many of our clients do not know what kind of implant they have or whether or not it is subject to the recall.

If you have received a recalled hip implant you need to proceed very carefully. Many orthopedic surgeons are skilled at implanting artificial hips, but have little or no experience in removing and replacing the device. Hip replacement surgery involves replacing the head of the thighbone (femur) and the hip socket (acetabulum.) If an artificial hip joint is cemented into place it can be very complicated and dangerous to remove.

According to the American Society of Orthopedic Surgeons there are nearly 1500 orthopedic surgeons currently practicing in Florida. If you are currently considering hip replacement surgery due to arthritis, a fracture, or experience pain when walking or getting out of a chair, you should ask your surgeon the following before agreeing to undergo any procedure:

1. How much experience (actual surgeries) has he or she performed with the recommended implant?

2. How often does the surgeon recommend this implant over others and why?

3. How often have his patients required surgical revisions after implantation?

4. If the surgeon recommends a specific brand or Metal-On-Metal (MOM) ask why that implant is best for your situation.

It is critical that your share all personal health information with your surgeon so that the most informed recommendation can be made. This is especially important for patients who have had kidney problems or have sensitivity or allergies to certain metals.

If you have an artificial hip and would like to know more information about your potential claim, you should consult with an experienced hip implant injury lawyer to protect your legal rights.