Is Michael Douglas a Victim of Medical Malpractice?

As a Florida lawyer who represents misdiagnosed cancer victims, I was saddened to learn that Michael Douglas has Stage Four cancer. Is he the victim of medical malpractice? His wife, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones seems to think so. According to People Magazine she is fuming at doctors for not diagnosing it months ago.

In our Miami law office, we often hear from angry patients and their families when faced with unexpected news about their health or surgical outcomes. In determining whether Mr. Douglas’s cancer was negligently missed, a competent medical malpractice lawyer will have to analyze his medical records, diagnostic films and pathology slides in conjunction with expert consultants in oncology, radiology and internal medicine.

Sadly, in many cases, even when there is a clear “missed cancer”, there is no link to the ultimate outcome or prognosis. In other words, to win a failure to diagnose cancer case, one must prove not only that the cancer was unreasonably missed, but that had it been caught there would have been a different outcome for the patient.

Defendant doctors often successfully argue that In some kinds of cancer, there is no cure even when they are caught in time. Our lawyers extend our prayers to Mr. Douglas and his family for a speedy recovery.