As a dangerous prescription drug attorney, I strongly warn anyone currently taking the prescription drug Meridia to immediately consult with your prescribing physician in light of the FDA’s request to remove the diet drug from the market.

Meridia is manufactured by Abbott and marketed as a diet drug. The principle ingredient in Meridia is Sibutramine Hydrochlorida and came on to the market in 1997. The FDA has found in increased risk for heart attack and stroke when compared to other drugs on the market.

As usual the FDA seems to be in no hurry to protect US drug consumers. It reached its decision regarding Meridia in mid-September, but waited nearly a month to disclose its findings. The FDA also seems to be less concerned than European regulators who removed Meridia from the market ten months ago.

If you have taken Meridia, contact our Meridia injury lawyers for a consultation regarding your legal rights.