The Dangers of Sexual Assault on College Campus

College campuses are spaces parents and community members expect to be secured and safe for their children and students. Many public and private universities around the U.S have their own police force dedicated to student and campus safety. Campuses, however, are unfortunately difficult spaces with a particularly vulnerable populus of young adult men and women. According to the U.S Department of Education, the most common crime that takes place in college campuses are burglaries. Auto, purse, and backpack theft is a serious issue that campus security departments around the country struggle to manage. The most pressing issue that faces college campuses, however, is the issue of sexual assault

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According to Title IX research, over 19%, or roughly one fifth, of all women on college campuses will report being vitcims of Sexual Assault during their time enrolled in the university. 5-6% of men claim to have been sexually assaulted as well. Regardless of gender, 90 % of sexual assault victims claimed to have personally known the perpetrator, which can sometimes emotionally complicate the situation further than otherwise. Sexual Assault and rape are understood to be underreported crimes as a result of fear, trauma, confusion and mental illness which often effect victims. LGBTQ students are victimized more than most groups of people on college campuses when it comes to crimes of rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse and violence as well. The course of action for a victim of sexual assault is varied, but here is what our team believes is the best route to take.

What Should I Do If I Have Been Sexually Assaulted On Campus?

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The first step any sexual assualt victim should take, regardless or where or how they were assaulted, should be to seek immediate medical attention and be as clear to the medical professionals how you have been injured. According to the Department of Justice, only a shocking 13% of rape cases are reported to campus security or local law enforcement. As aforementioned, suffering from sexual abuse, rape, or sexual assault are intensely traumatic social, mental, emotional and physical experiences, which is why rape victims are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide. 

The second step you should take is speak with law enforcement. Most perpetrators of sexual violence are personally connected to the victims, which is part of why it is often difficult for victims to percieve their situation properly. Many victims of sexual violence sometimes blame themselves for their situation as well, which speaks to the complexity of dealing with sexual assault cases. Regardless of your perception of the events that took place, if you feel as though you have been violated in any way you should speak with law enforcement immediately for the sake of your protection and the improvement of your community. College campus securities are not the most reliable sources of police protection, investigation, and general help, which is why we recommend you speak with a local police precinct as well.

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Universities are businesses, and can sometimes prioritize their image over the safety and justice of their students. That is why your third step should be to immediately contact our office to see how our team of experienced campus sexual assault attorneys can help provide your case with the proper attention and litigation it deserves. Aronfeld Trial Lawyers has decades of combined legal experience bringing victims of sexual assault, rape, and abuse the compensation and justice they deserve. Contact our office today and see how we can help you.


Often an injured passenger returns home and several months pass before a local attorney is even consulted. If that attorney is unfamiliar with how to proceed in a cruise ship injury case, they inadvertently jeopardize the client’s right to compensation by not filing the law suit in the correct court within the prescribed one-year time limit.


We accept and welcome referrals from out of state attorneys and pay the maximum referral fees permitted by the Florida Bar. We encourage any attorney that has been contacted regarding a potential cruise line injury case to contact us. If you or a client has been injured on a cruise ship or during a cruise, please contact us for a confidential and free legal consultation. Call us toll-free at 1-866-597-4529.

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Tender Boat Accidents

Getting on and off tender boats can be extremely dangerous and passengers have been known to be seriously injured if the tender is not properly stabilized or secured to the ship or dock.

Death On The High Seas

Our cruise ship injury lawyers are well versed in federal maritime laws that regulate the death of a passenger due to the negligence of the cruise line.

Cruise Ship Injury Tips

Our maritime injury attorneys recommend the following tips to follow if you’ve been injured on a cruise ship.

A Top Rated and Awarded Law Firm

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We have obtained millions of dollars in compensation for injured cruise ship passengers. We are constantly filing lawsuits against Carnival, Royal Caribbean and Celebrity and other cruise lines around the world in Federal Court. Since 1991, our law firm has helped injured passengers hold the cruise lines accountable. We work hard to get our clients compensation for lost wages, medical expenses and pain and suffering. The cruise lines are part of multi-billion dollar industry and employ the most aggressive and experienced maritime lawyers–which is why you need experienced legal counsel on your side too. Call Spencer Aronfeld today, Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer.