On Sunday, U.S. District Court Judge Ginger Berrigan prevented oil giant BP from having local shrimpers and fisherman from signing releases that would protect BP from from liability in the cleanup efforts. Desperate for money, these shrimpers, oyster harvesters are nervous about how to provide for their familes. Sensing this deperating, BP wants to hire them as contractors to serve as clean up for the oil spill.
The contract also included confidentiality clauses to prvent the shrimpers from discussing what they find out at sea.
According to the proposed agreement with BP:
- workers would not be able to sue for compensation in case of accident or injury
- talk to reporters without BP approval
- immediately pursue legal claims against BP even in an emergency
- Add BP to their personally paid insurance policies for damages or injuries.
Judge Berrigan’s ruling voided all existing contracts and ordered the company to remove these provisions from any replacement and new contracts. If you have a potential claim for any damages resulting from the BP oil spill, DO NOT sign anything without consulting an attorney first. If you have a question or concern, contact Oil Spill Claims Attorney Spencer Aronfeld or call us toll-free: 866-597-4529.