miami, florida november 19 2018: royal caribbean cruise line m

19 Million Americans Projected to Cruise in 2025

This year is expected to mark the third consecutive year of record cruise travel in the U.S. A 4.5% increase from last year, when 18.2 million Americans went on cruise vacations.

Post-pandemic, the cruise industry has seen tremendous growth, more than any other travel segment, exceeding hotel demand in the past two years.

In 2022, cruise volume rebounded to 84% of 2019’s level, then surged to a new high in 2023, nearly 20% above the pre-pandemic baseline. That number has continued to climb since, with 2025 projected to surpass 2019 by 34%, according to AAA.

The most popular cruise destinations.

The majority (72 percent) of passengers in the U.S. prefer cruises to the Caribbean, making it by far the most popular destination. 6 percent of passengers enjoy taking Alaskan cruises and 5 percent choose cruises to the Mediterranean.

Shorter Caribbean cruises are rising in popularity. Even though most cruise itineraries are 6 to 8 days, 18% of Caribbean cruise itineraries this year are 2 to 5 days, compared to only 2% in 2023.

24 1346 trv cruise forecast passengers

The busiest cruise ports.

The busiest cruise ports just happen to be in Florida. Port Canaveral, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale are the busiest ports based on embarkation and debarkation.

Miami welcomed the world’s largest cruise ship with the debut of Royal Caribbean’s Icon of the Seas last year, and Port Canaveral welcomed the Icon’s sister ship, the equally large Star of the Seas.

One of the key factors in designing a modern cruise ship port and terminal is to ensure it can handle the size of today’s mega cruise ships.

If you’ve been involved in an accident onboard a cruise ship or at a cruise port, Aronfeld Trial Lawyers is ready to provide you with the guidance and support you need.

The majority of cruise ship accident cases are filed and litigated in Federal Court in Miami, regardless of where the incident may have occurred and where the injured passenger may live.  They also require a lawyer who possesses a detailed understanding of the federal rules of evidence, international and maritime legal issues.

With extensive experience in maritime law and a focus on protecting passenger rights, our firm is dedicated to helping you navigate any legal challenges that may arise and ensuring your rights are upheld at sea. We are available to provide a free legal consultation by phone at 1-866-597-4529, locally at 305-441-0440, and by email at [email protected].