Halloween is a dangerous night to be a kid- as children are more likely die than any other night of the year. Pedestrian accidents, car accidents, and motorcycle accidents are commonly the cause of Halloween injuries and fatalities- because of the number of children walking dark streets at night. In fact, children are more than twice as likely to be killed by a car while walking on Halloween night than at any other time of the year.  And sadly, teenagers are at the greatest risk with a death rate twice that of younger children-accounting for half of all child pedestrian deaths.

Child Injury Accidents on Halloween

Most of these accidents occur between 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM- particularly as the sun is setting as tired drivers are heading home from work.  But it is not always the fault of drivers- excited children wearing costumes and eager to get as much candy as possible are easily likely to dart into traffic or step off of a curb.

The numbers of Halloween related car crashes skyrocket when Halloween lands on a Saturday night.  Statistics show that 43 percent of all Halloween night motor vehicle deaths involved drunk drivers with 26 percent of all pedestrian killed on Halloween involved a drunken driver.

Our Miami personal injury lawyers are passionate about protecting the legal rights of those who have been in a car accident- especially children.  And have these 3 safety tips that we hope will keep your children safe this Halloween- when they trick and treat.

1.Make sure your kid’s costumes and bags are reflective and use light colors and have them walk around with a flashlight or glow stick.  You can also pick up a free Aronfeld Trial Lawyers trick or treat light which is specially designed to bring additional safety to your kids.

2. Kids 12 and under should always be escorted by an adult.  And take some time before you leave the house to go over the rules for crossing streets.  Making sure your children know how to look right and then left and right again- and understand that drivers may not be able to see them in the dark.

3.Trick and treat while it is still light outside- don’t go out too late- or choose a safer location like a shopping mall or closed pedestrian street.

Should I Hire A Child Injury Lawyer?

If you are injured in a traffic accident in Florida, the lawyer you hire is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.  That is why we recommend that you consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer that has the experience and passion to take on an insurance company and hold it accountable to pay your lost wages, medical expenses and pain and suffering. Aronfeld Trial Lawyers has successfully represented thousands of individuals and their families who are victims of car accidents.  We offer free initial consultations 24/7 at your home, hospital or work.  Contact our Miami personal injury law firm, toll-free 1-866-597-4529, local 305-441-0440 or by email at [email protected] and speak with a lawyer today who is able to help you recover from your accident.  Call us today, we are ready to help.