Thanksgiving Driving Safety Tips from the Personal Injury Attorneys at Aronfeld Trial Lawyers Thanksgiving is the busiest travel holiday of the year. This year, more…
Kids Clubs on Cruise Ships
The Importance of Kids Clubs on Cruise Ships: A Safe and Fun Option for Your Children Taking a cruise is an exciting experience for the…
August is Back-To-School Safety Month
August is Back-to-School Safety Month and an excellent time to review your family’s safety and emergency plans. Although schools have emergency plans and hold drills throughout the year, parents should make sure their children know their phone number, address, and how to get in touch with them or another trusted adult in case of an emergency.
100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers Starts Memorial Day
Memorial Day starts the official kick-off to summer. It is also a period known as the “100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers,” which runs through Labor Day weekend.
Norovirus Outbreaks Sicken Over 150 Cruise Ship Passengers on Two Major Cruise Lines
Two separate outbreaks of norovirus are currently under investigation by the CDC. Both have been linked to U.S. cruise ships- Princess Cruises’ Sapphire Princess and Royal Caribbean International’s Radiance of the Seas.
Virgin Voyages Announces Plans for Its Latest Ship, The Brilliant Lady
Virgin Voyages is set to announce its upcoming plans for its latest ship, The Brilliant Lady. The news will be unveiled on May 1, 2024, during a live transmission on the company’s
May is Water Safety Month
With summer quickly approaching many of us will find ourselves heading to the beach
or spending some time relaxing by the pool.
Back-to-School Safety Tips for Parents and Students
School is back in session which means drivers need to do their part to keep kids safe as they walk and bike to school.
18 Month Old Dropped 11 Stories By Grandfather
18 Month Old Dropped 11 Stories By Grandfather While on summer vacation In 2019, a man named Salvatore Anello dangled and dropped his 18 month…
Laser Tag Accident Injuries
A History of Laser Tag Laser Tag was invented in 1984 by George Carter III, an amusement inventor also credited with bumper cars and a…