On of my proudest moments as a Florida lawyer was when I opened the latest issue of the Florida Bar News and read the cover story on Lawyers to the Rescue’s Habitat for Humanity Project. I have seen the reputation of lawyers in our community go from bad to just plain evil. This year, for some reason has been the worst. Thank God, Madoff is not a lawyer, or BP’s soon to be gone CEO. But there are a lot of really good people out there who happen to practice law for a living.
Lawyers to the Rescue is doing all it can to change the impression people have of lawyers while at the same time making our world a little nicer place to live in.
You do not have to be a lawyer to join Lawyers to the Rescue, but you do have to want to serve those in need. We are currently accepting submissions for the Lawyer of the Month for August 2009. If you have a nominee in mind, please let Dina Aronfeld know.