As a Miami car accident attorney, I am astounded by Governor Rick Scott’s lack of concern for Florida’s patients. He has turned down millions of dollars under the Affordable Care Act that would go to providing health care to those who would otherwise be eligible for Medicare. In addition, his Republican-led Legislature has rejected grants that would move long-term patients into their own homes, curb child abuse through in home counseling, educate teens on pregnancy and put tighter grips on regulating the bloated health insurance industry.

This year’s Florida Budget left over $8million of federal grants on the table that would have expanded community health centers as well as a Medicaid pilot program that would have provided $2million for a new hospice pilot program for terminally-ill children.

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Governor Scott told the New York Times in a recent interview that he did not want to waste state money on “something unconstitutional.”

Many of the people our Palm Beach injury lawyers represent have little to no access to medical care or health insurance. It is unforgivable that the State of Florida, which is the fourth most-populated state in the country, only collects $46.4 million out of the nearly 2 billion awarded nationally. This ranks Florida 12th in the amount of money received from health care grants.

In order for Florida to obtain more federal grants it will have to set up an insurance exchange; but with Governor Scott, that seems unlikely. In fact, he has been quoted saying, “I’d rather nobody runs it.” If Florida fails to set up an insurance exchange by 2013 the federal government can take it over.