Our Florida injury law firm receives many calls each week from people injured while at work. Florida’s workers compensation immunity is yet another law that reflects our State’s unbridled passion to protect the interests of business and insurance and not workers and consumers.

Florida Statutes Section 440 generally prevents an employee from suing his/her employer for an injury sustained at work, even if the injury is due to the employers own negligence. This is commonly referred to as “workers compensation immunity.” Florida worker’s compensation law also has very strict reporting requirements and limitations as to what compensation injured workers are legally entitled to receive.

There are exceptions to this rule depending on the employer’s conduct and when an the injury or death is caused by an employee of a different company. This typically occurs at industrial complexes and construction sites. Currently our office is representing Jose Miranda, a construction site worker who was injured at a Miami construction site by a crane.

As a Miami injury lawyer, I believe that if you are injured at work you should immediately obtain medical care and obtain a consultation with an experienced lawyer about your legal rights.