Driving while texting is far more dangerous than people know. If drivers knew how much a simple text message increased the likelihood of causing a deadly Miami traffic accident, I feel sure they would never do the two activities simultaneously again.

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First of all, the number of people who die in my home state, Florida, on our highways is unacceptably high in general. According to the Department of Transportation, there are 40 percent more traffic deaths per vehicle mile here than the national average. Drug and alcohol use are contributing factors, but so are inattention and decision errors.

Nationally, the situation is also dire. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that there are at least 3,000 deaths annually from distraction-affected crashes – and 18% of all crash injuries involve drivers who were using a cellphone. Texting while driving is the most dangerous activity. This is because it involves the use of your hands, eyes and intellect at once. Drivers who are texting cause 23 times more accidents than those who aren’t distracted. Simply writing or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 4.6 seconds. At 55 mph, that’s like driving the length of a football field, blindfolded! It’s extraordinarily risky.

Our Florida personal injury lawyers specialize in investigating traffic deaths. We believe no text message is worth a life. Distraction-caused crashes are completely avoidable. By simply putting our cellphones away we can reduce driver distraction, prevent injuries, and save lives.