Almost every day, we get asked questions on how injured passengers on a cruise ship should handle their claims. Here is a recent question I received via email:
“Dear Maritime Lawyer in Miami:
Do I need an attorney to settle my cruise ship accident claim?
Thank you,
Hurt in Tulsa”
Dear Hurt in Tulsa:
Thanks for your email. We are asked this question almost every day in our office. Typically, we investigate several potential cases against cruise lines like Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and Norwegian every day.
My answer is–it depends. The first and probably most important element of any potential claim is how serious the injuries are. Sometimes we are called by passengers who simply did not like their cabin, food, or the facial they got in the spa. Those are not cases that I would take and certainly not cases any of the best lawyers who sue cruise lines would consider either.
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However, if the injury is a broken bone, required stitches, hospitalization or in any way changed the quality of the passenger’s quality of life, a lawyer who sues cruise companies should be consulted–immediately.
Why? Because cruise lines like Carnival, Disney, RCCL, and NCL are staffed by some of the finest and most experienced maritime defense lawyers in the country. All those lawyers do every day is look for ways to minimize and often completely eliminate passenger claims. After all, that is what they are paid to do. And they do it very well.
Therefore, you too should have the benefit of an experienced lawyer–one who will fight to protect your legal rights and maximize your recovery. Maritime accident claims are complex, with different rules, time limits, and courts that handle most cruise ship injuries than for a slip and fall at the local Wal Mart.
Our attorneys have been battling on behalf of people who have been hurt by careless cruise lines for nearly 25 years. Let our experience and passion help you get the all compensation you deserve, not just part of it, but all of it. Call us today for a free initial consultation: 1-866-597-4529 or email us at: [email protected]
Thank you,
Spencer Aronfeld
Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer