When I was a kid I used to love jumping on trampolines. And for a while our son, Nory, while he was in middle school, would spend hours and hours in our backyard- jumping away. I knew back then, that trampolines could be dangerous for adults- but never truly appreciated just how dangerous they are–especially for children.

According to data released by the Cleveland Clinic from 2002 to 2011, trampoline injuries contributed to more than 1 million ER visits in the United States alone. And as the weather is changing more parents will look for indoor activities to occupy their children- such as trampoline parks which are opening around the country. I fear that this will only increase the number of trampolines related children’s injuries.
As a lawyer who represents both children and adults in personal injury cases- I am eager to report that expert pediatricians from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have agreed that trampolines are too dangerous and inappropriate for use by children, and should only be used under supervised athletic training like diving or gymnastics.
Trampoline injuries include broken and fractured bones, head, neck and spinal injuries and permanent traumatic brain injuries. Small children are at the biggest risk- 14 times more likely than bigger children- especially when sharing a trampoline with other kids who may be jumping at the same time. This is due in part of the soft nature of the bones of growing children which can easily break and can cause permanent growth issues which might lead to deformities and painful complicated surgeries as they grow older.
Trampoline Safety Rules
One At a Time
Trampoline Safety Rules
1. One at a time– The key to minimizing the risk of a trampoline-related accident is to allow only one person on the mat at a time and especially don’t let kids bounce with adults. For example, children suffer the worst injuries while bouncing on the trampoline at the same time as an adult, because when the adult has bounced and the trampoline is springing back up it rises just as the child little one is coming down; the force of impact is similar to having the child jump out of a first floor window.
2. Cover Springs– Spring covers are available for less than $50.00 and should be used to prevent pinching and slipping injuries. These safety devices arereally invaluable in preventing injuries to tiny hands and feet.
3. Safety Nets– Safety nets should be installed to keep kids from flying off the trampoline and onto concrete or hard ground. We suggest that you never let your children use a trampoline without a fully functional safety net.
4. Avoid Dangerous Tricks– like somersaults or flips. Landing wrong can easily result in a broken bone or cause permanent spinal damage.
5. Always Have Adult Supervision– never leave small kids alone on a trampoline- even for a minute. If you have to take a phone call or use the restroom- simply call a “time out” and require no jumping until you return.
The absolute safest way to avoid trampoline injury is to simply stay off of them. However, if you or your child is injured on a trampoline we recommend that you consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Our Miami law firm has over 30 years of experience representing people in a wide variety of personal injury matters ranging from slip and fall cases at grocery stores, shopping malls, parking lots and condominiums, to motor vehicle accidents and cruise ship passenger injury claims.
Filing a Claim For a Child Trampoline Injury
Call us today and speak with an experienced child injury attorney about your potential claim. We are available 24/7 by telephone toll-free 1-866-597-4529, local 305-441-0440 or email at [email protected]. We will help our clients put their accidents behind you- while obtaining compensation for you for your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. Call us today, we are ready to help.