August is Back-to-School Safety Month and an excellent time to review your family’s safety and emergency plans. Although schools have emergency plans and hold drills throughout the year, parents should make sure their children know their phone number, address, and how to get in touch with them or another trusted adult in case of an emergency.
Norovirus Outbreaks Sicken Over 150 Cruise Ship Passengers on Two Major Cruise Lines
Two separate outbreaks of norovirus are currently under investigation by the CDC. Both have been linked to U.S. cruise ships- Princess Cruises’ Sapphire Princess and Royal Caribbean International’s Radiance of the Seas.
Florida Car Insurance Secrets REVEALED!
Florida is one of a dozen states in the U.S. that operates under a no-fault law when it comes to filing claims for injuries or…
‘No Fault’ Auto Insurance Repeal Bill Moves Forward in Florida Legislature
The Florida House voted 99-11 to repeal Florida’s no-fault law and require every motorist to carry bodily injury coverage. Senate Bill 54, will require Florida…
What is the Best Kind of Auto Insurance to Buy in Florida?
Florida has among the highest uninsured motorist rates in the country. It is estimated that nearly 1 in 4 Florida drivers are driving without car…