The AP reports the agency “responsible for ensuring that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was operating safely before it exploded last month fell short of its own policy that inspections be done at least once per month.
Since January 2005, “the U.S. Minerals Management Service conducted at least 16 fewer inspections aboard the Deepwater Horizon then it should have under the policy, a dramatic fall from the frequency of prior years, according to the agency’s records.”
The “inspection gaps and poor record keeping are the latest in a series of questions raised about the agency’s oversight of the offshore oil drilling industry. Members of Congress and President Obama have criticized what they call the cozy relationship between regulators and oil companies and have vowed to reform MMS, which both regulates the industry and collects billions in royalties from it.” The Law Offices of Aronfeld Trial Lawyers are the Oil Spill Class Action Lawyers and remain committed to help those damaged or injured by corporate greed and negligence. For a free and confidential evaluation, email Spencer Aronfeld.