Knauf Plasterboard is one of the primary target defendants in the MDL litigation in New Orleans. The Wall Street Journal reports today that they have reached a settlement with Beazer Homes USA.

This is perhaps the best indication that a settlement with Knuaf is going to happen before more cases go to trial. This is excellent news for those who have had their homes destroyed by Knauf manufactured dry wall. We believe that there remain thousands of potential claimants that are unaware that the homes they are living in actually contain the toxic drywall.

The Law Offices of Aronfeld Trial Lawyers are representing home owners, tenants and neighbors in Florida and Louisiana in the Multi District Litigation in the Eastern District of Louisiana Spencer Aronfeld serves on the Plaintiff’s Steering Committee for Chinese Drywall.

If you think that your home has Chinese Drywall contact Spencer Aronfeld for a free and confidential inspection and evaluation of your claim. We utilize state of the art and certified Chinese Drywall inspection teams. Folks who live in homes built with Chinese Drywall often do not recognize the signs such as a rotten egg smell and corroded heating and air condition coils.