Florida is home to more seniors proportionately than any other state. In Miami-Dade County for instance 14% of the population is over 65 years of age. This puts a tremendous responsibility on facilities to provide safe, clean and dignified care for those with illness, physical infirmity, or advanced age.
Probably the most common nursing home neglect issue our Miami nursing home law firm encounters is bed sores. Bed sores are known as decubitus or pressure ulcers occur when elderly patients are left in the same position over a long period of time. When this happens, pressure on the skin and surrounding tissues causes a lack of blood flow. Our firms has represents nursing home patients that develop bed sores involving the heels of the feet, sacrum, elbows, back, hips, knees, ankles and ears.
We believe that bed sores can be prevented by better nursing care including keeping patients clean and dry from urine and feces as well as proper positioning and hydration. Nursing home patients often develop wound infections from bed sores that require surgical debridement and antibiotics.
Our Florida lawyers are devoted to protecting the rights of those neglected by nursing homes. We have helped residents that have been abandoned, developed bed sores, fallen or have had their dietary needs neglected.
We are the legal voice for victims of nursing home negligence across the State of Florida. We help when a Florida resident is neglected or abused by caregivers or exploited by persons standing in positions of trust or confidence. Sometimes elders are vulnerable and lack the capacity to consent to the use of their funds, assets or property. Please contact our office for a confidential evaluation of your legal rights.