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Never give a recorded statement to any insurance company adjuster without first consulting with a Florida personal injury attorney.Questions will be asked regarding the color of the traffic light or speed on impact that can often haunt you if the claim ends up in front of a jury. Without the assistance of a lawyer preparing you, not to lie, but to understand the question, you can inadvertently make a statement that can destroy your chance to obtain fair compensation.
Never apologize. This may sound rude, but an apology given at the scene of a Hialeah car accident can come back and be used as a statement in court to suggest that you were at fault for the accident.
Never offer more information than needed at the scene to the police. Telling the officer that you were in a hurry to get to your mother in the hospital or to pick up the kids from after school care will only be used to make it look like you were careless and speeding.
Be consistent. What you tell Fire Rescue, the ER and your treating doctors about how and why a car accident happened will be used in your case. If for instance, you tell some doctors that you were driving and others you were a passenger, the inconsistencies will be used to make you look like a fraud. Our best Miami car accident attorney advice is to simply tell the truth. Trying to help your case by making up facts not only is detrimental to the outcome of your claim, but it is also illegal. Insurance fraud in Florida is a crime and trying to bend the truth to make a car accident case more valuable may not only cost your money, but could cost you your freedom.
Do not accept a settlement on the spot. Some Florida car accident insurance companies send adjusters right to the scene of a crash with a checkbook in hand. Settling your claim without first consulting with a Homestead traffic incident injury lawyer might cost you the full value of compensation you would otherwise be entitled to. Signing a release at the scene is never a good idea and should be avoided at all cost.