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Whenever a hotel should have known of a defect or broken condition it is called constructive knowledge. Constructive knowledge can be proven with evidence that shows how long danger existed. Often times it can be proven by the hotel’s failure to maintain and inspect the premises appropriately.
Hotel accidents frequently occurs when a guest is injured getting in and out of the bathtub. Therefore, hotel and motels should always use slip-resistant tubs, showers, flooring, rugs, and grab bars. When a hotel has a guest fall and get hurt and does not properly investigate the cause it puts other guests at risk.
In addition to local building codes, Florida’s hotels are also required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA is designed to provide easy and safe access to hotels and public buildings to those living with disabilities.
For example, the ADA requires that all bathrooms must be safely utilized by people with disabilities and be equipped with specifically designed shower stalls, bath tubs and toilet seats.