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Shopping malls can be dangerous places, if and when an elevator or escalator malfunctions due to improper maintenance or repair. For instance, when an elevator has a mechanical problem and does not open level onto the floor, the person exiting the elevator can trip and fall and sustain an injury.
Escalators are found in most shopping malls in Florida. An escalator is a moving staircase that consists of an electrical motor driven conveyor belt of individual linked steps. Escalators that do not have clearly demarcated lines indicating the individual steps or the entrance or landing platform can be tripping hazards too. Our law firm has investigated dozens of escalator accidents ranging from customer shoes getting stuck, sudden surges and sudden stops.
Perhaps the most common type of accident in a shopping mall occurs from slipping and falling. Foreign substances like water, wax, liquids, soap, or oil can make a shopping mall’s beautiful marble or terrazzo floor as slippery as ice.