I have practiced personal injury and medical malpractice law in South Florida for nearly twenty years. Most of my clients do not speak, read or write English. Many of them have no proof of employment or lost wages. And honestly, most are in this country illegally.
Yet, for the most part they are here; working hard and doing the kind of work, Americans have found distasteful for the last decade or two. If you drive down my street in the morning, you would see gardeners and construction workers sweating in the sun. Probably not legal. Go to any restaurant in Miami, and the waiter, busboy, dishwasher and the one cleaning the toilets are probably not legal either.
Currently, I represent Enrique Milla who was deported to Peru shortly after he filed a medical malpractice case. He lived in this country for years, raised a daughter and grandson, and now his legal rights are being challenged due to his immigration status.
I am not an immigration lawyer, but as a South Florida injury lawyer, whether they are legal or not, I hope that whatever bug has got into the hearts of Arizona’s legislature is not contagious and does not spread to Florida. And be careful what you ask for Arizona, because if you kick-out, the hard working, back-breaking laborers, who may not be legally in your state, but contribute to your economy, you better find a rake and a shovel.
Immigrants should be honored and embraced. I suggest we find a way to make them legal, tax them, educate them and secure their civil rights.