August is Back-to-School Safety Month and an excellent time to review your family’s safety and emergency plans. Although schools have emergency plans and hold drills throughout the year, parents should make sure their children know their phone number, address, and how to get in touch with them or another trusted adult in case of an emergency.
Miami’s Bicycle Crash Epidemic
As a former bicycle racer and as a Florida bicycle injury attorney, I know that South Florida is a very dangerous place to ride a…
Florida Stands Out as Most Dangerous State for Bicyclists
Bicyclists are more likely to be killed in Florida than in any other state, according to a recent report from the National Highway Transportation Safety…
Bicycle Verdict Reversed
As a bicycle injury lawyer Miami, FL, I have tried personal injury and medical malpractice jury civil trials across the State of Florida for more…
Safe Cycling Tips That Can Save Your Life
As the weather warms up more and more people are taking their bicycles out of storage for the summer. As a bicycle accident lawyer in…
Justice For Family of Cyclist Killed on Key Biscayne
The family of a cyclist killed while riding on Miami’s dangerous Key Biscyane will finally get their chance at justice. Omar Otaola, a well known…
Apparently Lance Armstrong just admitted to having used performance enhancing drugs during his Tour de France victories. I am disappointed; and candidly very sad. I…
Intersection Bicycle Accident Kills Hollywood Man
Jeffrey Lee Howard of Hollywood Florida was riding his bicycle at the intersection of Taft Street and North 66th when he was hit by a…
When The Defense Examines an Injured Plaintiff
Florida like most states permits the defendant in a personal injury claim to force the plaintiff (claimant) to undergo a physical and sometimes even a…
Figuring Out Bicycle Accidents
As a Florida bicycle injury lawyer and former amateur bicycle racer I know a lot about crashes and the effect they have on both a…