In nearly twenty years of serving as a Florida attorney who sues hospitals for neglect, I have never experienced the kind of reaction to a case as I have of the unwanted circumcision of Baby Mario Viera. I have received emails, tweets and Face Book messages asking my advice on how parents can avoid having their new born baby accidentally circumcised while in the hospital.

Here are five ways that I suggest as a Miami trial lawyer and I hope that not only parents will consider them, but hospitals as well:

1. Tell your doctor and nurses in writing before the baby is born that you do not want your child circumcised. Have this conversation in your prenatal exams as well.

2. Insist that your instructions not to circumcise your child are included in the chart.

3. Avoid leaving your baby unattended even for a few minutes. If you must, put a sign on the incubator or crib that says “DO NOT CIRCUMCISE”.

4. Write across the baby’s abdomen “DO NOT CIRCUMCISE” with a Sharpie.